Sim City Snes Cheats Game Genie

Load or start a new city, then choose END from the Save/Load menu. When the 'See you soon!' Screen appears, press the following on controller 2: Left, A, Right, Y, Up, B, Down, X, Select, Start, Start, Select, R, R, L, L. Press Up or Down to scroll through the options, and press Left or Right to toggle them on or off.

A Game Genie cartridge is required to use the codes featured below. The codes may also be used with a Pro Action Replay cartridge through a conversion utility.
North American version
1. DD67-DFAA Faster time
2. DE67-DFAA Slower time
3. 86AB-6D02 + D8AB-6D62 Start easy game with $3,000
4. 0DA8-6D02 + BAAB-6D62 Start easy game with $40,000
5. 1DAB-6D02 + 3CAB-6D62 Start easy game with $60,000
6. C28A-AD61 Money usually does not decrease
7. E28A-AD61 Unlimited money (Ignore money display.)
Pro Action Replay Codes
Since the Pro Action Replay cartridge has the capability to write to memory addresses outside of the Game Genie's range, the following codes may only be enabled with that device. It is not possible to convert them for use on the Game Genie.
Insert the following codes and the item will appear in the first box in the Special panel.
8. 7E03-F501 My House
9. 7E03-F502 Bank
10. 7E03-F503 Fun Fair
11. 7E03-F504 Zoo
12. 7E03-F505 Casino
13. 7E03-F506 Land Fill
14. 7E03-F507 Police Station
Sim15. 7E03-F508 Fire Station
16. 7E03-F509 Fountain
17. 7E03-F50A Mario MonumentSimcity snes guide
18. 7E03-F50B Expo
19. 7E03-F50C Wind Mill
20. 7E03-F50D Library
21. 7E03-F50E Large Park
22. 7E03-F50F Train Station
23. 7E03-F501 + 7E03-F502 Villa house bonus gift
24. 7E03-F503 Park bonus gift
25. 7E03-F504 Zoo bonus gift
26. 7E03-F505 Casino bonus gift:
27. 7E03-FF50 No bonus gift:
28. 7E0B-F9EB $49,000 in all games:
29. C28A-AD61 Money doesn't decrease for most types of spending

Simcity Snes Strategy Guide

30. DD67-DFAA Time goes faster

Simcity Snes Guide

31. DE67-DFAA Time goes slower
32. 0DAB-6D02 + BAAB-6D62 Start easy game with $40,000

Simcity Snes Cheats Game Genie

Play33. 1DAB-6D02 + 3CAB-6D62 Start easy game with $60,000

Simcity Snes Cheat Codes

34. 86AB-6D02 + D8AB-6D62 Start easy game with $3,000