How To Cheat Pennsylvania Skill Games

Games of skill require more than just a push of a button. Games Require full attention and skills, the most important factor in games is we have to give time to that particular game. Then we can succeed or beat the Pennsylvania skill game.

Skill Game- Skill Game is a new puzzle game by Good Apps UG for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, and we have Skill Game answers and Skill Game cheats, hints and guides for you!

You know we love puzzle games, but Skill Game is one that we REALLY love because…well, there are a lot of reason actually, and we’ll get to those–but…Skill Game is a never-ending game!

Now let’s make a list of why we love this game-

– Skill Game starts you out slow, and then adapts each new level to your capabilities. Don’t worry they won’t make it too impossible

How To Cheat Pennsylvania Skill Games To Play

– As you get progressively better, some sketchy guy will come out and offer you a bet on points.

– They have over 40 exciting achievements. And if you find yourself stuck on a level, you can just use the “Magic Pen” to cross through lines! (Yeah, we had to do that a couple of times. You can tell because of the red line crossing through all the others).

– It has a magnify glass that helps guide you and your line to the next number, which is helpful because your lines cannot touch one another–otherwise you’ll have to start over. We love the magnify glass! It’s like performing microscopic surgery–except, it’s not at all. But, we like to think that while were using the magnify glass to connect lines to numbers and avoid other numbers, that we’re performing some high-tech surgery. But this game definitely proves that it’s probably better we stuck to reviewing apps–and not venturing to medical school to become a surgeon.

And here is a couple of helpful hints–before you start to look at the answers below-

Keep your lines as close as possible; you’re going to need all the space you can get!

Use the “Magic Pen” only for the levels we’ve shown because, there will be others where it will come in handy.

How To Cheat Pennsylvania Skill Games

Pennsylvania Game Of Skill Cheats

Don’t take the bets that pop-up; they’re good deals, but you most likely loose. Only take the bets after you’ve fully mastered the game.

And now…the answers for Skill Game!

Child Skill Cheats

Connect to the last number to gain access to the next level.

Connect to the last number to gain access to the next level.

Connect to the last number to gain access to the next level.

Connect to the last number to gain access to the next level.

Connect to the last number to gain access to the next level.

Connect to the last number to gain access to the next level.

How To Cheat Pennsylvania Skill Games Online

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