Neopets Game Cheats Hasee Bounce

Full Price History TP Trading Post History Suggest Price Change. PPL Winner - This petpet won the PPL Award on March 24, 2005.; Petpet - This is the official type for this item on Neopets.; Unpainted Petpets - This petpet is the original version and has not been painted with a paintbrush.; At the Petpet Puddle. Attach any Hasee to your Neopet (as long as it's paintable) and bring. NeoPets Cheats by Mr Muffinman/Jenn; additional secrets by Meera(dachari08) The latest NeoPets cheats have been listed below. No, you cannot get frozen for using these cheats. NeoPets designed them for you to use. These cheat codes should be entered in while or before playing the game.

Aun no he podido traducir toda la seccion de trucos al espaƱol. Espero pronto tener tiempo.
El truco debe ser introducido mientras el juego corre. Debes escribir lo que esta en negritas.

Neopets Cheats/Trucos

Advert Attack
nopopups - Limpia todos los popups en pantalla. Una vez por juego.

Attack of the Gummy Dice
delightful -Cambia el dado actual por uno 'morph'.
explode - Cambia el dado actual en bombas. Once per game.
gummydice - Turns the current dice into a different, random colour. Once per game.

Attack of the Revenge
blackpawkeet - Gain an extra life if you are on level 3 or higher. Once per game.

Attack of the Slorgs
chargex4 - Show the laser. Unlimited use during gameplay.
marrow - Gain one extra life. Once per game.

Biscuit Brigade: Hagan's Last Stand
recon - Show a path. Once per game.
retreat - Show a path. Once per game.
removedebris - Remove debris from the field. Once per game.

Bouncy Supreme
bouncebouncebounce - Gain one extra life. Once per game.
r - Toggle the Pterodactyl radar module on/off.

Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway
lookoutbruno - Gain one extra life. Once per game.
monstermovie - Turn the game into black and white. Type again to change back to colour.

Carnival of Terror
custard - Gain more health. Once per game.
pie crust - Gain more bullets. Once per game.

Castle Battles
supercannonball - Gain a massive cannonball. Once per game.

Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island
free - Pause the game.
gimmeabreak - Gain an extra life. Once per game.
nomorerocks - Clear all the rocks. Once per game.

Chia Bomber II
geoffrey - Gain an extra life. Type in gameplay or in level breaks. Once per game.

Crisis Courier
kingaltador - Gain an extra life. Type in gameplay or in level breaks. Once per game.
Non-cheat: If you click the bottom left-hand corner of the title screen window, you'll load a level with structures spelling out, 'weepit was here'.

Dice Escape
flybywire - Get a 'wire' view of the gameplay. Type again to remove.
helpmeplease - Resets the timer. Once per game.
moretimeruki - Resets the timer, again. Once per game.
topdown - Get a top-down (birdseye) view of the gameplay. Type again to remove.

Dubloon Disaster
scallywags - Creates a whirlpool. Once per game.

Edna's Shadow
edmoretime - Gain 25 seconds. Once per game.

Escape from Meridell Castle
valrigard - Resets the clock. Once per game.

Escape to Kreludor
empulse - Gives an empluse effect. Once per game.

Extreme Herder
freeze - Freezes Balthazar. Once per game.

Faerie Bubbles
bubbles - Turns all bubbles into one type. Once per game.
faerieland - Turns the bubble in the cannon into a Rainbow Bubble. Once per game.
slumberberry - Push the bar to the top. Once per game.
stardust - Turns the bubble in the cannon into a Nova Bubble. Once per game.

Faerie Caves II
quaglor - Skip to the next level. You can use this cheat as much as you want; however you won't be rewarded with any points.

Faerie Cloud Racers II
faerie - Clear all obstacles. Once per game.

deliciousflie - Gain an extra free life. Once per game.

frumball - Gain an extra free life. Once per game.
kougra - Skips the level. Type at the beginning of a level. RESETS YOUR SCORE TOO.

Gourmet Club Bowls
shepherd - Type on the main screen for double points!
superbowl - Skips the level.

Grand Theft Ummagine
ummaginethief - Skips the level.

Gwyl's Great Escape
gwylsgreatestescapeever - From the main screen, slick 'Continue Game', type this in, and you'll play a hidden level.

Hasee Bounce
doughnutfruit - Reset the timer. Once per game.
- Has no effect on the game play, but Hasees spin as the million countdowns.

Ice Cream Machine
strawberryvanillachocolate - During level breaks for an extra life. Once per game.

Igloo Garage Sale - The Game
frozensnowflake - Drop 6 items instead of 5. Once per game.

Itchy Invasion
pest - Restore Pest-B-Gone to full. Once per game.

Jelly Blobs of Doom
fishnegg - Gain a 50-point Fish Negg. Once per game.
marissa - Type on the 'press spacebar to begin' screen, and 'Now are you happy?' will appear. Pointless (but cool).
rainbownegg - Gain a 20-point Rainbow Negg. Once per game.
Press random keys on your keyboard - A giant blue jelly will appear. Unlimited. Negative.

Jolly Jugglers
Click on the Dragonack's eye to play a secret Dragonack Attack! level.

Kiko Match II
ineedmoretime - Gain 15 seconds. Once per game.

Korbats lab
destroy - Obtain a multi ball. Once per game.
monstermovie - Play in black and white mode.
skip - Skip a level. Once per game.
spiderbite - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Kreludan Mining Corp.
kreludor - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

cyodrake - Gain an extra hint. Once per game.

Let it Slide
stalactites - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

MAGAX: Destroyer II
xagam - Restore your health completely. Once per game.

Maths Nightmare
letimiyasleep - Reset your timer. Once per game.

Meepit Juice Break
juice-o-matic - Reset all Meepit's timers. Once per game.
meepits - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Meepit vs. Feepit
xzxz - Use a special combo.
zxzx - Use a special combo.

Meerca Chase II
ferociousneggsareontheloose - On the main screen, select hard, type in, and you'll play a secret mode.
superextrahypergravitymode - On the main screen, select hard, type in, and you'll play a secret mode.

Moon Rock Rampage
novisitors - Gain 30 extra seconds. Once per game.
superlaser - Get double laser range for that level. Once per game.
rampage - Gain one extra life. Once per game.

Mootix Drop
After selecting mission difficulty, use the keyboard arrow keys and press up, right, up, right, up. Use the left and down arrow keys to select the symbols in each of the spaces. Combinations:
Babaa, Mootix, Spyder - Mootix is faster.
Babaa , Target, Spyde - Mootix is heavier. +5 points.
Mootix, Target, Babaa - Controls set backwards. +10 points.
Mootix, Target, Mootix - Smaller Mootix.
Spyder, Target, Babaa - Lighter Mootix.
Spyder, Target, Mootix - Faster Mootix.
Spyder, Target, Target - Mootix will never land.
Target, Mootix, Babaa - Invisible Mootix. +5 points.
Target, Target, Spyder - Access the Spyder level. +8 points.

Mynci Beach Volleyball
digiribles - A random Kiko balloon will fly across the screen.
turdle - Get a Turdle on your opponent's team. Once per game.

Neverending Boss Battle
foreverandeverandever - Gain an extra life. Type during startup. Once per game.

Petpet Pair-Up
ineedmoretime - Gain an extra 15 seconds. Once per game.

oscillabot - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Raiders of Maraqua
1morekarpohplease - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Scourge of the Lab Jellies
boomshaketheroom - Gain extra bombs after your next move during gameplay. Once per game.

Snowball Fight
snowghettiandmeatball - Gain 10 extra snowballs. Once per game.

buuuurrrrrrrrp - Gain 50% health. Once per game. That's four u's and eight r's.
dieter - Your score will be multiplied by 100, but only your real score will go through (as opposed to the x100 score).

Sophie's Stew
hungrymeowclops - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Spell or Starve
channyhungry - Gain 30 extra seconds. Once per game.

Stowaway Sting
scrap - Gain full health. :) Once per game.

Sutek's Tomb
plzsutekcanihavemoretime - Gain 30 extra seconds. Once per game.
pyramibread - Gain a hint on an avaliable combination. Unlimited use.

TNT Staff Smasher
a5paragu5 - Gain a bigger mallet. Once per game.

The Buzzer Game
salamander - Use when the timer is ticking to skip a level. Unlimited use.
cheese - Typed on the first level, it allows you to see your mouse cursor throughout the game.

The Castle of Eliv Thade
rehaxtint - Gain an extra hint. Once per game.

The Great Qasalan Caper
caperiffic - Gain an extra time bonus. Once per game.

The Return of the Return of Dr Sloth
drfranksloth - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

The Usul Suspects
lumiwatergun - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Tyrannian Mini Golf
Non-cheat: When choosing a character, you can play as Oliver (TPOSG), from The Neopets Team, by pressing the 'tab' key (above Caps Lock on most keyboards) four times and pressing 'enter'.

Ultimate Bullseye
catapult - Free powerup. Once per game.

Volcano Run II
glubgar - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Warf Rescue Team
trappedkadoaties - Gain an extra life. Once per game.

Wicked Wocky Wobble
wocky - If you have at least four items stacked, a Buzz will drop and freeze your stack for a few seconds (if he lands on your stack). Unlimited use.

Click the 'N' on the spinning Grundo's suit to gain access to a hidden ball.

Neopets game cheats hasee bounce hack

Hasee Bounce Guide