Game Cheats And Tricks

So, you may be wondering what will come for the future of this site. Well, we do not only have plans for expansion to many other games. Yet, we need to take some time to get the 'articles' right and bring all of our information together.

Cheat Codes

Press ENTER to open the chat window. Then activate one of the effects indicated below by entering the corresponding cheat phrase.

Note: All the cheats are entered through chat. No need to go through console.

Cheat CodeEffect

/help – Shows a list of commands.

/pay [playername],[amount],[currencyname] – Pay an amount of money to another player. For Example: /pay Robert,100,Coins

/unstuck – Attempts to unstick your avatar

/fly – Toggles fly mode

/admin [player] – Adds a user as an Admin

/allskills – Unlocks all skills

Game Hunters Tips Cheats And Tricks

/allworldobjects – Spawns all world objects

/allterrain – Spawns all diggable blocks

/atm – Add atmosphere

/day – Set and lock the server time to noon

/destroymeteor – Destroys the meteor in orbit.

/dumpcarried – Dumps all carried items.

/give [itemname],(amount) – Give yourself an item. Usage: /give Lumber,10

/noskills – Resets all skills to zero

/ownall – Claim all property

/poorbunnies – Kills all animals

/setspawn – Changes the spawn location you your current location


/skillpoints (amount) – Give yourself skill points

Game Cheats And Tricks Gta San Andreas

/spawnlasers – Spawns the end-game lasers and power supplies, and drops thier power needs.

Game Cheats And Tricks To Play

/teleport (x),(y),(z) – Teleport to an xyz coordinate

/teleportplayer [player] – Teleport to a player

Game Cheats And Tricks Xbox One

/vomit – Empties your stomach

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